Helping international students in the United States succeed professionally, academically & socially

Through Beyond Our Limitations (BOL), we have built a community of international students who can come together to learn from each other and support each other. Follow the link to read more about our mission, and learn more about what we have done, and what we hope to accomplish through this community.

Conference Sponsorships

BOL has fully sponsored international students to professional conferences such as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) & the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) conferences. This has given these students the opportunity to: participate in professional development workshops, network, and secure job offers.

Job Placements

Through the professional development programs we provide such as resume reviews, interview preps, Linkedin workshops and conference sponsorships, our members have built skills that have enabled them secure jobs.

Immigration Information & Support

We host immigration workshops where international students can get practical information on how to navigate specific immigration hurdles.

Testimonials about BOL

At BOL, we strive to groom international students and provide them with opportunities that will allow them advance in their career. This has allowed us make a positive impact in the lives of international students and professionals at large. Find out what people are saying about the tremendous impact that BOL has made in their lives.

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”

— Isaac Newton

There is power in Community